Low Cost Therapy
Therapy Is Meant For Everybody
For many, attending therapy can look and feel like a luxury. While there are programs and resources available for low-cost and free therapy, they can be competitive, draining, and impersonal. Our practice believes that therapy should be accessible to everyone, especially those who are struggling financially. Going through economic downturns can cause additional stress and anxiety, leaving little room to prioritize mental health. We want to make sure that the resources available to someone making six figures can still be obtained by everyone else.
​At our practice, we want to give everyone a fair chance at therapy. That goes for clients and our therapists alike. Our low-cost therapy sessions are held and provided by the amazing interns that work at Therapeutic Counseling. These individuals are currently in the process of obtaining their masters degree, but they are fully ready and capable of providing mental health services to those seeking guidance.
Low Cost & Inclusive Therapy
Low-cost therapy can be thought of as an avenue of self-exploration on a budget. What this means is that our practice works with clients on an individual basis to ensure they are receiving the right mental health tools while still maintaining a sense of financial security. Ideally, we would love to know that everyone participating in therapy can honestly afford it, but realistically we know that the price of therapy sessions can cause a strain on an individual's income. We want to help our clients move past the barrier of believing that therapy isn’t for them based on a price tag.
Everyone deserves a safe space where they can explore the obstacles in their life without judgment or criticism. Many other practices have room for sliding-scale clients, but those spots are often limited and still hold the potential to make or break a client's bank account. Our services are offered at low, flat rates so that there is no confusion about what or how we offer therapy. View rates here.

We Want To Help You Grow
Our practice is dedicated to providing quality and affordable care for our community. We offer a wide range of topics and methods that can be explored in individual therapy sessions. By expanding our price range, we are given the unique opportunity to help jumpstart many individuals' mental health journeys. Some common areas of focus that are brought to us surround topics of anxiety, depression, and trauma/PTSD, but we believe that therapy sessions are what you make of them. If you are willing to consistently put your well-being first, then we are ready to follow you every step of the way.
​Additionally, we offer a variety of specified therapy methods that can be utilized in sessions. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR) are all modalities that are offered by our therapists.
Who Provides Low-Cost Therapy?
All of our interns in counseling offer a low-cost therapy option. Please see below for our therapists who specifically offer a low or no-cost option for counseling sessions.
Making The First Step That Much Easier
We understand the struggle of having to build a healthy foundation from the ground up. Our mission is to help you find the balance that your mental health has been lacking so that you can thrive in your new journey of healing. Please feel free to contact our office for more information on how you can get started.