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Coping to Vibe, and Vibing to Cope

Writer's picture: Sydney Villeneuve, LPCSydney Villeneuve, LPC

DBT approach to self-soothing and evidence-based techniques for increasing dopamine

There are an array of strategies and approaches that you can learn and use when it comes to coping with unwanted symptoms, especially commonly experienced ones such as anxiousness and depressed mood. When it comes to treating anxiety and depressive symptoms, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills and the understanding of dopamine in the brain are game changers for improving the way you feel in the moment and in your day-to-day as a whole. 

One of my favorite approaches to introduce to clients is sensory based coping that also promotes an increase in dopamine. The DBT Distress Tolerance skill of self soothing through stimulating your senses is a method that utilizes both grounding and self-nurturance as a form of coping and self regulation. When also having an understanding of how to utilize your senses to increase dopamine, those two practices together create a dynamic and fast acting strategy to emotional groundedness. 

Neuroscience research tells us that there are groups of nerve cells in our brains that release the neurotransmitter dopamine when activated by certain visual and tactile stimuli. Dopamine release is stimulated by both how satisfying these visual or tactile sensations are, as well how satisfying we believe for them to be based on personal preference. 

A couple examples could be:

This lemonade tastes good, but woah this coffee tastes great

This song is good, but I love and feel so happy when this other song comes on! 

I like this new show, but this other show is so nostalgic and comforting! 

I like relaxing in my bed, but it feels best when my sheets and favorite blanket are freshly cleaned and warm! 

Simply, it feels good when things are good, but it feels great when we surround ourselves with our favorite sensations. When we are engaging with the preferred and favored sensation, we are supporting a much more significant increase in the reward neurotransmitter of dopamine in our brain. Not only does the increase in dopamine support improved mood but it also promotes an increase in motivation to go and enjoy our life after our mood improves. 

With this, I have listed 3 approaches below that you can try and implement into your life! 

Approach I: On-the-go Coping 

What to consider:  how can I keep my favorite things accessible to myself

One approach to self soothing through the use of our senses is to keep our favorite smells, sounds, textures close by and accessible whether we are at home, work, on a road trip, at family dinner, etc. Keeping these things in our offices, bags, and cars ensures that we can utilize this coping method anywhere we might start to feel uncomfortable. 

Approach II: Creating a Calming Space

What to consider: what do I want my space to look, smell, and feel like?

Another great way to utilize this method is to create a space and overall vibe for self soothing. This approach is more methodical in nature. It’s an approach to setting up your personal space with your senses in mind. Step by step making changes in your home, and adding things to your space for a calming hour, or day! 

Approach III: Everyday Routine

What to consider: how can I treat myself to comfort throughout my day? 

The importance of implementing coping strategies throughout your day and into your daily routine as a form of self care is highly beneficial for short term and long term symptom management.

I recommend you try out these methods described and find what works best for you. Below you will find some handouts and worksheets to explore!

DBT Handout

Additional Worksheets


*Graphics created by author using Zinnia

Mixed Media artwork of brain by Coco Sung—

DBT Handout from the DBT Mega Bundle by Shine Thrive Therapy on Etsy 



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